How do you add a Wowhead bot to Discord?

How do you add a Wowhead bot to Discord?

You must have the 'Server Manage' permission to add the Wowhead Bot to a Discord server and 'Channel Manage' to set up channel specific preferences. Add the Wowhead Bot to your Discord server!

What does Mudae mean?

Mudae is a Discord-based entertainment bot and the focus of this Wiki. Created by Saya, Mudae specializes in hosting a variety of multiplayer games, including a gacha character roulette, word games, a Pokémon roulette and many other command based events.

What does Mudae bot mean?

Mudae is a Discord-based entertainment bot and the focus of this Wiki. Created by Saya, Mudae specializes in hosting a variety of multiplayer games, including a gacha character roulette, word games, a Pokémon roulette and many other command based events.