Do fury warriors dual wield?

Do fury warriors dual wield?

Fury Warriors now have the option of dual-wielding one or two-handed weapons, giving them more flexibility in gearing than ever before.

Did any Warriors dual wield?

Dual wielding has not been used or mentioned much in military history, though it appears in weapon-based martial arts and fencing practices. ... Okinawan martial arts have a method that uses a pair of sai. Chinese martial arts involve the use of a pair of butterfly swords and hook swords.

Which warrior spec is dual wield?

Titan's Grip is a passive warrior ability learned at level 10 for those with the Fury specialization. It allows warriors to dual-wield two-handed weapons. Dual-wielding is only allowed for axes, daggers, fist weapons, maces, polearms, staves, and swords.

Can arms warrior dual wield 2H?

Arms was able to dual wield up until they introduced specializations. Until specializations were introduced every warrior had the ability to dual wield. Dual wielding was never as strong as a two hander for arms, though.