What server is Asmongold on WoW Classic?

What server is Asmongold on WoW Classic?

– do you need to be on his server to do his competitions or can he still invite you? Kel'Thuzad US on Retail, and Faerlina US on Classic.

Can you server transfer in Classic WoW?

For the duration of the closure, it will not be possible to transfer a WoW Classic player-character to or from any realm. ... The character transfer service closure in WoW Classic will have no impact whatsoever on the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands digital shop or services.

How long does server transfer take WoW Classic?

The Character Transfer service takes up to 24 hours to complete. If you log in before it completes, the transfer may fail and your character may be locked. To unlock your character, contact us.