Is Emhyr Ciri's father?

Is Emhyr Ciri's father?

Yes. Emhyr is Ciri's actual, biological father. Now you'll ask me then who was Urcheon of Erlenwald? Well, Duny as we know him, is Ciri's father, and he was a cursed Knight from the south.

Who is Ciri's real father?

Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon (better known as Ciri), was born in 1252 or 1253, and most likely during the Belleteyn holiday. She was the sole princess of Cintra, the daughter of Pavetta and Emhyr var Emreis (who was using the alias "Duny" at the time) as well as Queen Calanthe's granddaughter.

Why was DUNY cursed?

Duny had been cursed at the age of 13 by a mage hired by a usurper of the Nilfgaardian throne. Duny's real father, Fergus var Emreis, had refused to cooperate with the plot and so was tortured but this did not break him, so the usurpers decided to get at the emperor through his son. This is where the curse came in.

How did Pavetta know DUNY?

According to Duny, he never meant to claim what was due to him. But destiny had other plans. Duny and Pavetta met by chance while Pavetta was reading poetry and started a whirlwind romance behind her mother's back.

What was DUNY curse?

Duny hugged Pavetta and explained he was cursed as a young boy. He lived his whole life in misery until the day he saved Queen Calanthe's husband, King Roegner, from certain death. By tradition, he chose the Law of Surprise as payment.

Is DUNY dead?

In the Last Wish, Geralt helps remove a curse on Duny, the man who impregnates Pavetta, who is Ciri's mother. He claims Law of Surprise, to obtain Ciri as payment of sorts. Later, Duny and Pavetta are reported to have died in a shipwreck.