What is currently vaulted in Warframe?

What is currently vaulted in Warframe?

The order is as follows: Frost, Mag, Ember, Rhino, Loki, Nyx, Nova, Volt, Ash, Trinity, Saryn, Vauban, Nekros, Valkyr, Banshee, Oberon, Hydroid, Mirage, Zephyr, Limbo, Chroma, and, of course, Mesa.

What Prime Warframes are available now 2021?

Currently available are Equinox, Wukong, Atlas, Ivara, Titania, Inaros, and Nezha Prime. Mirage and Banshee Prime are also currently available in the unvaulting.

Who is the next Warframe prime?

I made a list with the upcoming Prime Warframes and to-be vaulted Primes
Next PrimeframeDateVaulted Primeframe
Equinox Prime04.

Is there a Gara prime?

Gara Prime will come out the spring of 2021 and Revenant Prime will come out the Summer of 2022. This game is a business first, nerd fantasy second. Releasing primes bring in money. Every frame will get Primed end of story.

Is Prime vault real?

As I have mentioned and you have read, Prime Vault is a registered business and 100% sustainable platform that runs on a real business, which is the promotional service they offer, Prime Vault pays registered users base on the task they perform on the site and for referring others to the site.

Does Prime vault pay?

To summarize how you earn on prime vault: The registration membership fee is 3,000 naira (Premium), 5,000 naira (gold) and 7,000 naira (Ultimate). ... Media advert earning is 100 naira (premium), 150 naira (gold) and 200 naira (ultimate). Withdrawal threshold is 5,000 naira.

How long does the Prime vault stay open?

The Prime Vault will stay open for four weeks (28 days).