What is Ka D ratio?

What is Ka D ratio?

It's a ranking of how good of a player you are. I think the average is around 100 (maybe slightly higher) and KA/D is kills+assists/deaths as a ratio.

Does KD matter in Destiny 2?

KD doesn't matter in any game. Plus you can boost your Kd in private matches.

Does KD matter in CSGO?

While no one knows exactly how CS GO's system works, from what I've gathered playing the game for over a year, your K/D does not matter at all. What matters is ELO points. The more ELO points you gain, the faster you'll rank up.

Can you reset your KD in Destiny 2?

the only way to do so, is to create a new account. the stats are tied to the account.

How can I improve my KD?

In order to increase your KD, you need to focus on gaining the most of kills in every match that you engage in.

Is Death Adder better than Recluse?

That's not to say it isn't good in PVP, it is… but it's not what it once was. Recluse has a power cap of 1060, meaning it's going to be sunset at the end of season 11....Death Adder.
Recluse (Master of arms)510840
Death Adder425699
Death Adder (Charged with Light)509839

What is the mountaintop cheese Destiny 2?

Basically you get a party of 8 people. Then you split into two teams of 4 and queue up in showdown at the same time. Lastly one person from each team kills the other three people from the enemy side. You keep doing that and you'll finish the quest part in 2-3 hours depending where you are at.