Is octane male or female apex?

Is octane male or female apex?

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What is octanes Stim?

Octane's Stim allows you to move faster with a gun than other characters can run while holstered. Octane's Passive will not heal you while you are Stimming, so you'll need to give yourself time to heal between Stims to replenish your Health.

Who is the most used legend in Apex?

  • Right now the best Apex Legends character is Horizon, by quite a margin. ...
  • Fuse abilities:
  • Bangalore abilities:
  • Bloodhound abilities:
  • Caustic abilities:
  • Crypto abilities:
  • Gibraltar abilities:
  • Horizon abilities:

Is wattson a good legend?

Apex Legends Wattson ultimate & abilities explained This is beneficial for Wattson as her ultimate, the Interception Pylon, can destroy incoming grenades, arc stars and thermite, as well as ultimate abilities such as Gibraltar and Bangalore's air strikes. Her ultimate isn't just useful for defensive plays either.

Is Caustic the best legend?

Caustic in general isn't a very useful character in a team setting. His poison gas is a decent offensive ability, but the best Legends are the ones who's abilities can contribute to the team like Lifeline and Gibraltar. ... Caustic in general isn't a very useful character in a team setting.