Who are the 13 Valkyries?

Who are the 13 Valkyries?

The Valkyries are a group of thirteen demigoddesses that are charged with choosing the most worthy human warriors and guiding their souls to Valhalla after their death. These warriors were to be used as an army for the gods.

Are Valkyries Vikings?

Valkyrie, also spelled Walkyrie, Old Norse Valkyrja (“Chooser of the Slain”), in Norse mythology, any of a group of maidens who served the god Odin and were sent by him to the battlefields to choose the slain who were worthy of a place in Valhalla.

Are Valkyries daughters of Odin?

In Norse mythology, daughters of the principal god Odin, often called Odin's maidens, were called the Valkyries (Old Norse Valkyrjr, “choosers of the slain”). ... They carried these souls off to Valhalla, Odin's banquet hall in the heavenly realm of Asgard.

Is Freya Odin's wife?

Freya (Old Norse Freyja, “Lady”) is one of the preeminent goddesses in Norse mythology. ... Her husband, named Odr in late Old Norse literature, is certainly none other than Odin, and, accordingly, Freya is ultimately identical with Odin's wife Frigg (see below for a discussion of this).

Is Freya A Frigg?

Frigg was Odin's official wife, but it has been determined that she is an exact duplication of Freya, making them one and the same. The other difference between the two woman was Odin was simply called Od in reference to Freya, but he was called Odin by Frigg.