How do you get the ace of spades hand cannon in Destiny 2?

How do you get the ace of spades hand cannon in Destiny 2?

How to get the Destiny 2 Ace of Spades

  1. Complete Forsaken's opening mission 'Last Call', then visit the Gunsmith in the Tower.
  2. Finish the main story.
  3. Return to the Gunsmith in the Tower.
  4. In Gambit, kill enemies or invaders with a Hand Cannon.
  5. Kill 250 enemies in Strikes with a Hand Cannon.

What's the best hand cannon in Destiny 2?

Destiny 2: 10 Best Hand Cannons, Ranked

  1. 1 Thorn. On top of being a top notch gun, Thorn comes with a powerful 2 piece perk combination that both deals extra damage to the opponent and makes the player more powerful.
  2. 2 Spare Rations. ...
  3. 3 Austringer. ...
  4. 4 Not Forgotten. ...
  5. 5 Luna's Howl. ...
  6. 6 Optative. ...
  7. 7 Last Word. ...
  8. 8 Waking Vigil. ...

How do you unlock a hard light?

Unfortunately, to get the Hard Light, you are throwing yourself on the mercy of Destiny 2's various RNG mechanics. It can randomly drop from Exotic Engrams, or from completing events such as the Crucible, Nightfall, or other in-game activities.

Is Hard Light good Destiny 2?

It's been in a really good place: 600rpm auto rifles are generally great right now; Hard Light had no damage falloff over long ranges; its shots bounce off surfaces and even pick up extra damage after bouncing; and it's stable when firing.

What should I use my exotic cipher on?

Spending your Exotic Cipher to get old weapons The Exotic Cipher's primary use is to help new players get retired weapons. Once you have an Exotic Cipher, take it, 100,000 Glimmer, 3 Enhancement Prisms, and some planetary materials to the Cryptarch, Master Rahool, in the Tower.