What is the dot on my iPhone?

What is the dot on my iPhone?

With iOS 14, an orange dot, an orange square, or a green dot indicates when the microphone or camera is being used by an app. A green indicator means either the camera or the camera and the microphone are being used by an app on your iPhone. ...

How do you type a Dotless I?

You can also input a dotless I … with the keyboard shortcut … Shift + Option + B or Shift + Alt + B. … …

What is the cross on the T called?


What is the name of Turkey language?


What is dot on top of I called?

A tittle or superscript dot is a small distinguishing mark, such as a diacritic in the form of a dot on a lowercase i or j. The tittle is an integral part of the glyph of i and j, but diacritic dots can appear over other letters in various languages.

What do you call the dot at the end of a sentence?


What does a dot under a letter mean?

The dot below the letter i is a diacritic mark — dot is actually the correct term for the kind of mark it is. In the case of Vietnamese, it denotes the nặng tone (low, glottal), used on the base vowels: ạ ặ ậ ẹ ệ ị ọ ộ ợ ụ ự ỵ

What does the I with 2 dots mean?

Ï, lowercase ï, is a symbol used in various languages written with the Latin alphabet; it can be read as the letter I with diaeresis or I-umlaut.

What is a 0 with a dot in the middle?

The slashed zero is a representation of the number "0" (zero), with a slash through it. ... Unlike in the Scandinavian vowel "Ø" and the "empty set" symbol "∅", and the diameter symbol ⌀, the slash of a slashed zero usually does not extend past the ellipse in most typographic designs.

What does a dot over at mean?

The number of pills to be taken per dose. A “T” with a dot over it is, “1”. ... for example ; if there is three dose for particular medicine, it means you should take three time that medicine in a day.

What does a dot above a vector mean?


What does R mean in math?

In maths, the letter R denotes the set of all real numbers. ... In other words, real numbers are defined as the points on an infinitely extended line. This line is called the number line or the real line, on which the points of integers are evenly ranged.

Is 3 a real number?

The real numbers include natural numbers or counting numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers (fractions and repeating or terminating decimals), and irrational numbers. The set of real numbers is all the numbers that have a location on the number line. Integers …, −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …

What does R symbol mean?

registered trademarks

What does R mean before a price?

rights offering

What does R mean on jewelry?

The “R” means it's plated with something like gold.

How do I type an R symbol?

Insert copyright and trademark symbols

  1. To insert the copyright symbol, press Ctrl+Alt+C.
  2. To insert the trademark symbol, press Ctrl+Alt+T.
  3. To insert the registered trademark symbol, press Ctrl+Alt+R.

What is the R in a circle symbol?

The ® (R in a circle) symbol is used to denote registered trademarks. Consistently using it together with one's own trademark is generally considered good practice.

How do I type the registered symbol?

Hold down the "Alt" key and type 0174 using the number pad on the right of the keyboard, if using a Windows-based computer. When you release the "Alt" key, the symbol appears. How can I do it on Android?

How do I use the registered trademark symbol?

In the United States, it is proper to use the registration symbol ® only to give notice that a trademark has been federally registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The proper form of registration notice is the letter "R" in a circle ® placed in immediate conjunction with the registered mark.

How do I get the Realtor symbol?

To get the trademark ® symbol on your computer, use Alt+0174 on PCs, Option+R on Macs, or type “(r)” and hit Enter.