Where can I farm hand of the Prophet rep?

Where can I farm hand of the Prophet rep?

  • The Hand of the Prophet is an Alliance faction in Tanaan Jungle. ...
  • Additionally, you can farm. ...
  • Medallion of the Legion increases your reputation with all of the factions of Draenor by 1,000. ...
  • Medallion of the Legion has a chance to drop from 4 mini-bosses that you can find in Tanaan Jungle:

How do I get frostwolf rep?

Reputation with the Frostwolf Clan is gained by playing the Alterac Valley battleground.

  1. Alterac Valley Activies: Many of the activities you do in Alterac Valley can grant you reputation. ...
  2. Killing the Alliance Captain, Captain Balinda Stonehearth: 125 Reputation.
  3. Killing Alliance Commanders: 12 Reputation each.

How do I maximize my AV rep?

How to Gain Reputation

  1. Alterac Valley Activies: Many of the activities you do in Alterac Valley can grant you reputation. ...
  2. Killing the Horde Captain, Captain Galvangar: 125 Reputation.
  3. Killing Horde Commanders: 12 Reputation each.
  4. Killing Horde Air Masters: 5 Reputation each.

How long does it take to get exalted with AV Classic?

In a premade you can do it in maybe 2 or 3 days now. I'm like 3-24 pugging AV so if you dont join a premade expect to lose all your games. If the premade Just rushs blindly drek you will get less Rep then defending and Turning Things in.

Where can I buy AV rewards?

These reputation rewards can be purchased from Quartermasters inside of Alterac Valley, or in Alterac Mountains outside of the battleground instance.

What do mines do in AV?

They give reinforcements off of memory. allows turn ins of mine resources " cooldtooth mining supplies". that allows for either upgrades to NPC's holding the graveyards. or some other upgrade i cant remember. Allows you to gather supplies needed for a ground assault.

How do you capture mines in Alterac Valley?

To capture a mine, enter one that we do not control and kill its leader. When that is done, the mine will be ours and we'll send troops to protect it!

Where do I turn in Mark of Honor Classic?

Marks can be traded in for honour, xp and reputation with the Silverwing Sentinels. The person to hand them in to can be found in capital cities or the portal to Warsong Gulch - either in Ashenvale or the Barrens. The amount of honour and xp gained is dependant on the level.