Will of the thousands strike loot?

Will of the thousands strike loot?

This will likely change in future Seasons....Nightfall exclusive loot and rewards.
StrikeNightfall Exclusive Loot
Strange TerrainBraytech Osprey (Rocket Launcher)
Tree of ProbabilitiesD.F.A. (Hand Cannon)
Warden of NothingWarden's Law (Hand Cannon)
Will of the ThousandsWorm God Incarnation (Transmat Effect)

Will thousand crystals?

There are a total of 47 hive crystals in Will of the Thousands strike that you need to destroy. There are 5 locations you are going to find these crystals throughout the strike. This is the started point of the strike where you enter the icy-cave. In this location, there are 8 Hive Crystals you need to destroy.

How do you reclaim light Lumina?

You'll need to reclaim the light from 11 different crystals you find within the Will of the Thousands strike. Once you've completed that, you will need to kill Xol and complete the strike. This should be the last step of the quest, and you should receive Lumina once it is complete!

Can you go to the moon without Shadowkeep?

You can visit the Moon without having purchased Shadowkeep but you won't be able to do much. You can wander around and fight enemies, explore Lost Sectors but you won't be able to do raids, play the campaign or accept bounties from Eris Morn.