What level is each zone in classic WoW?

What level is each zone in classic WoW?

Contested zone levels
ZoneLevel range
Swamp of Sorrows35-45
25 more rows•Sep 4, 2019

How long does it take to level from 1 to 60 in classic?

it could take 6–10 months to level one character to level 60 just playing a few hours a few days a week casually. Hardcore gamers who are seasoned, did many of the quests “back in the day”, have access to virtually limitless “how tos”, lots of time to spend gaming, can get there very quickly.

How long does 1-60 take in Shadowlands?

At the moment, though, it seems the average veteran player will be able to go from 1-60 in about 15-25 hours with the proper assistance/knowledge. If you're a new player, it might take closer to 35 hours to go from 1-60.

How long does it take to level to 70 in TBC Classic?

about 30-40 hours If you have the right class, the right guides, and the right tools, current estimates suggest that you can go from level 60 to 70 in TBC Classic primarily through questing in about 30-40 hours.

What level is wetlands Classic?

level 20-30 Wetlands is intended for level 20-30 Alliance players.