How do you use emotes in Guild Wars 2?

How do you use emotes in Guild Wars 2?

You can create custom emotes by typing “/me [text]”, “/emote [text]” or “/e [text]”, however there is no associated animation. If you target another player or NPC and include an “@” after an emote, then the emote will include them in the chat log.

How do you whisper in GW2?

Guild Wars 2 Chat Commands

  1. Say. /s or /say. Sends a message to everyone near your character.
  2. Talk to Guild. /g or /guild. Sends a message to your guild.
  3. Talk to Party. /p or /party. ...
  4. Talk to Squad. /d or /squad. ...
  5. Talk to Team. /t or /team. ...
  6. Yell. /y or /yell. ...
  7. Whisper. /w or /whisper. ...
  8. Whisper Reply. /r or /reply.

How do you get unstuck in gw2?

When you're stuck, there is not a reliable way to get unstuck other than waypointing. However, some of the other emotes will “push” you back onto valid ground (\dance often works, and lightens the situation ).

How do I check my playtime gw2?

/age — displays the amount of time you have played Guild Wars 2, in the following format:

  1. "You have played this character for hours minutes over the past days."
  2. "Across all characters, you have played for hours minutes over the past days."

How do you join a squad in GW2?

Right-click on any member's name (including commander) in chat and select Join Squad. Click on a commander's tag visible in map (not in compass) and select Join Squad.