What is the fastest wpm in the world?

What is the fastest wpm in the world?

216 words per minute

Who's the fastest typer in the world 2020?

Anthony Ermolin

Who is the world's fastest man?

Usain Bolt

Who is the fastest 11 year old typer?

At 13, Abhishek Jain is the fastest junior typist in the world. And the youngest. Ironically, when he went to Belgium in July 1991 to participate in the Intersteno 1991 Brussels World Typing Championship, the other junior contestants (up to 20 years) thought he was tagging along with papa.

Is 70 wpm good for a 11 year old?

50–55 will be considered talented by most average typists. 55 -60 will be impressive for even the fast typists. 60–65 will be in a league of their own with that accuracy. 65 and above will be seasoned professional stuff at 95% accuracy.

Is 50 wpm good for a 13 year old?

But, ~50 WPM is fine and about average for all people, you could get to around 70 WPM if you keep it at that, or maybe more which is over average and a really fine score.

Is 70 wpm good for a 12 year old?

Typically, the average typing speed of boys in a similar age range is 44 wpm, while the average typing speed for girls of the same age range is 37 wpm. ... Additionally, the average professional typist typically only types at speeds ranging from 65 to 75 wpm.

Is 95 wpm fast?

50–55 will be considered talented by most average typists. 55 -60 will be impressive for even the fast typists. 60–65 will be in a league of their own with that accuracy. 65 and above will be seasoned professional stuff at 95% accuracy.

Is 30 wpm good for a 12 year old?

However, 12-year-olds usually type from 30–50. So if you're in between that you're okay. If you can type faster than that, I am proud of you. If you want to get better, you have to practice.

What is the average wpm for a 21 year old?

92 WPM

What is the average typing speed for a 17 year old?

Thanks to the development of typing programs and how schools implement keyboarding classes, average Typing Speed has now increased to 35 - 45 wpm. For exemplary touch typists, one may need to reach 46 or above wpm. There are some people who can actually type as fast as 90–120 wpm.

Is 18 words per minute good?

What is a good typing speed? A typing speed above 40 WPM (Words Per Minute) is higher than the average score, and over 100 WPM is usually considered a high speed (when it is achieved with zero errors).

What is the average wpm for a 24 year old?

The average reading speed for middle grades is is 100–200 wpm, the average adult is 200–300 wpm, and engaged readers often go far above that, I think my rate is 600–800 depending on the material.

How many wpm is 8000 keystrokes per hour?

Based on this, 8,000 key depressions per hour is about 22–27 words per minute if you type in English.