Is 5 4 short or tall for a girl?

Is 5 4 short or tall for a girl?

5'4 is approximately the average height for a female in the US/UK. He is slightly below average height for a male.

How many cm is 5'11 inches?

4 feet 0 inches= 121.

How many inches is a 5'11 person?

Human Height Conversion Table
ft ininchescentimeters

Is 173 cm tall for a guy?

For a 22 year old male, 173 cm (5'8.

Is 172 cm a good height?

Yes it is. Average height of male in India is 166.

Is 176 cm tall for a guy?

Average male height worldwide is usually measured in centimeters by doctors and scientists. The average American man stands just under 5 feet, 10 inches -- or about 5 feet, 9.

Is 5.9 A good height?

As for men who are 5'9, this height is interesting because it's considered the average height of the American male, yet in some countries, it's actually considered tall for a man. ... A man who stands 5'9 in bare feet can easily pass as 5-11 if he wears shoe lifts.

Is 179 cm tall for a guy?

179 is not short at all! You're a good looking guy who needs to get himself out there. You've got a great height and nothing to be insecure about. Some people may be taller than, but maybe you just live in a community full of them.

Is 178 a good height?

Pretty normal in the US too, but there seem to be more super-giants in the US so it could seem slightly short if there's a few 6'3”+ guys around. About 3 cm short of our average, you wouldn't stand out but neither would you be considered short. It's completely average in 'Murica. You wouldn't be considered tall.

Is 170 cm a good height?

Statistically speaking, the average height of Indian men is 5′5″(165cm), so 5′7″(170cm) will be considered above average or on the higher end of average, therefore, It's definitely not short. ... Now for guys height is more of a factor then for women.

Is 175 cm short?

Nope, even in the tallest countries it's only below average. People tend to think that average and below average people (170cm to 178cm) are short, but they aren't. Anything below 170cm in my mind is short for a guy. Anything shorter than 150cm on a gal is short.

Is 180 cm a good height?

180cm is probably the most accurate average men height in the world, so fair play to you.