How do you get the jade rabbit emblem?

How do you get the jade rabbit emblem?

This emblem drops from Cayde's Treasure Map chests. The locations can be found by purchasing the maps from Cayde-6 in the Tower.

Is the jade rabbit worth it?

In short, the Jade Rabbit has slightly above average impact and reload speed, a really nice range. ... The thing about the Jade Rabbit in Destiny 2 from what I've gathered online, many players aren't too keen on it in PvP. Apparently, it was a much better weapon in Destiny 1 stability-wise.

What do the jade rabbit statues do?

Forsaken introduced a bunch of hidden cat statues to the Dreaming City, and in much the same fashion, Jade Rabbit statues have appeared all over the Moon with the arrival of Shadowkeep. Find one and you can offer it a tasty Rice Cake snack, which will reward you with a Phantasmal Core, or decent piece of gear.

What does the jade rabbit catalyst do?

This weapon generates Orbs on multikills and displays the number of enemies defeated by using it. When upgraded to a Masterwork, this weapon receives additional bonuses. Found by earning victory in the Crucible.

What does sleeper catalyst do?

This weapon generates Orbs on multikills and displays the number of enemies defeated by using it. When upgraded to a Masterwork, this weapon receives additional bonuses.

How do you get the legend of Acrius catalyst?

Acrius Catalyst is the Catalyst of Legend of Acrius....
Acrius Catalyst
DescriptionThis weapon generates Orbs on multikills and displays the number of enemies defeated by using it. When upgraded to a Masterwork, this weapon receives additional bonuses.
SourceFound by completing Nightfall: the Ordeal strikes.