What is Ellie's last name?

What is Ellie's last name?

Early in development, Joel's last name was given as "Miller" and Ellie's as "Williams," but Neil Druckmann revealed that the decision was made to cut all last names from the final product. These names are still listed in the Japanese manual, however. Joel was originally going to be named "Ethan".

Did Ellie ever forgive Joel?

Dina and Ellie live on a farm with each other, though Ellie still has PTSD from Joel's death. Their happiness is short-lived. ... She chooses to forgive Abby, as she eventually came to forgive Joel for eliminating humanity's final chance for a vaccine. Still, that last hunger for revenge comes at a heavy price.

Can Ellie not play guitar anymore?

Ellie is unable to play the guitar anymore at the end of The Last of Us: Part 2. ... During her final encounter with Abby, the former Firefly bites off two of Ellie's fingers. So, when Ellie goes to pick up the guitar again upon her return to the farmhouse she shared with Dina, she's not able to play it like she used to.

Why did Ellie let Abby go?

Abby killed Joel because he killed her father. Who would be killed next if Ellie was to kill Abby? She realized that it was never going to end if she kept contributing to the cycle, so allowing Abby to escape was symbolic of her finally letting go.