What is the legend of the banshee?

What is the legend of the banshee?

A Banshee is said to be a fairy in Irish legend and her scream is believed to be an omen of death. The scream is also called 'caoine' which means 'keening' and is a warning that there will be an imminent death in the family and as the Irish families blended over time, it is said that each family has its own Banshee!

Who kills Lydia?

After deciding to kill everyone who betrayed him, Walt fatally poisoned Lydia with ricin. News reports shortly thereafter revealed Lydia to be under investigation for her ties to Walter White and to not be expected to survive her poisoning.

Does Skyler White die?

Skyler White: Alive Despite how grim things were looking for the White family throughout most of season five, all of Walt's immediate relatives (Hank aside, RIP), made it out alive.

Does Lydia kill Henry?

At night, Beta takes Henry to Alpha. Unmasked, Alpha drops her knife and makes Lydia pick it up, commanding her to kill Henry with it so that she can prove what side she's on; Lydia picks up the knife and begins to cry.

Why did Walt kill Mike?

Walt shoots Mike for no reason By the end of Breaking Bad, Walt completely lost any sense of conscience and was willing to lie, murder, and cheat to get what he wanted. Eventually, that led to Walt killing Mike in rage. The incident happened just after Mike quit working for Walt and had his assets seized — again.

Why did Lydia kill Declan?

He and his entire crew would ultimately be killed by Jack Welker on orders from Lydia Rodarte-Quayle for refusing to hire back Todd and improve the quality of their meth to sell to her buyers overseas.

Why did Jack kill Hank?

When Jack showed up, he became clueless. He knew there will be a shoot out and Hank and Gomez will be killed because they are out numbered. For him, he knew that when Jack held Hank at gun point, everything for him will crumble down - the family, his empire, his future- everything.

How many people did Walter White kill?

Breaking Bad & El Camino
CharacterMurders committed byKill Count
Walter WhiteEmilio Koyama Krazy-8 Rival Dealers Two of Gus' henchmen Mike Ehrmantraut Lester Frankie Matt Kenny Two unnamed white supremacist gang members Jack Welker Lydia Rodarte-Quayle Himself201

Is Lydia Gus's wife?

- Gus hints at having children when having dinner with Walt. - Lydia is single (no wedding ring) and has a daughter, which when first introduced is speaking Spanish (like her dad?).